Monday, August 27, 2012

Learning continuing at home

Room 6 likes to keep on learning at home.

Here are some examples of how you can keep up your learning outside of the classroom.

Alice was reading a book about magnetics and she brought in lots of examples of both things that were magnetic, and those that weren't. She became Miss Lowndes as she taught us all about it. What was magnetic? What wasn't?

Amelia shared a narrative that she wrote at home.

This inspired Ari and Jayda to do some writing at home too. Jayda is adding to his narrative each day, and it is exciting for us to find out what happens next. What do you think will happen?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Today we had a play with the Active Votes that are connected to the Activboard. We used them in maths time for learning about probability. We now know the words: possible, impossible and certain. We had to press A, B or C on our voters to make a vote. We even learned about statistics when the votes were all counted. Check us out!!

Western Heights Olympics

Room 6 is representing India in our Western Heights Olympics. We mad our own flags.

During the opening ceremony a real torch with a real flame was passed around the school by the teachers. We found this very, very exciting!!

Then the whole school assembled together for the National Anthem, Olympic Oath and Prayer.

We even had our own Greek maidens.

What countries can you see represented?

On Tuesday we had our Olympic marathon. Look at us ready to go!

Off go the boys.

 A big CONGRATULATIONS to Joshua who got a gold medal, and Cruz who got the bronze. Well done boys. You made me proud!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Gymnastic Fun

We played for an hour at Olympic Park in New Lynn

Some of us even saw eels! They were not what we expected.

Room 6 on the Rock Garden

Look how high we climbed!

What shapes can you see on the playground?

Who's that monkey?

How many people can you fit on one swing?

This is where we became gymnasts.

You have to stretch first.

Look at Alex hanging over the foam pit.

That's a big jump, James.

Great landing, Kaitlyn!

Joshua on the vault.

Janine and Justine helped us on the rings.

We were pretty good at the beam.

Some of us even walked backwards!

This was the longest trampoline ever.

Who's that super woman?!