Thursday, December 5, 2013

Technology Day Success

Ruma Ono had the chance to bring in some technology on Thursday and we played with it all day long! We became the teachers and we taught each other how to play new games.

Miss Eyre was so impressed with how well we worked together and with how we shared our learning. Some people even taught Miss Eyre some new stuff!

Richard recorded 92 minutes of us with our technology on his video recording - fascinating watching I think!

 We also managed to fit in some Jump Jam, some singing and a Mandarin lesson too. Phew!
What a cool day!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Zoo trip

Fun on the bus ride to the zoo...

Look at these beautiful animals!

We had lots of fun using the map of the zoo.

What animals can you see in these pictures? Look carefully. Some of them are trying to hide from you!!

Are these birds camouflaged?

What animal is this?

We all slept well that night!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Phew - What a week of teddy bear fun!

Here are some photos of our fun and learning from last week.

Tell your family about your favourite parts of the week.

There was a jar filled with Tiny Teddies. We had to predict how many were in the jar and if we got the correct answer, or the closest, we won all of the Tiny Teddies. Can you remember how many teddies were in the jar? Who got the closest and what was there guess?

What adjectives best described your bear/soft toy?

We made our own bear hunts!

A highlight for lots of us was the shared lunch and Teddy Bears Picnic.

Some parents made very special bear themed food. Miss Eyre loved that!!

Our bear cave was exciting....


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Building Bear Huts

This afternoon we went into the bush down at the back of our school and made bear huts with our buddy class. What a creative adventure! Miss Eyre said she could spend the night in some of our huts! We worked really well with our buddy class and came up with ideas on how best to make our hut.
Tell your family what worked best to make a hut.