It is New Zealand Book Week this week, and we are celebrating by reading lots of Uncle Anzac's books. His real name is Tommy 'Kapai' Wilson, and he has written so many books about a character called Kapai Kiwi. He is pretty funny and goes on lots of adventures around Aotearoa.
Miss Eyre has raided all the Auckland City Libraries and found sooooo many of his books. She will return them all on time though, she promises.
We got to work making Kapai Kiwi book marks in Uncle Anzac's honour. They look pretty cool and we were all excited to use them at home.
We have also written him an email, which you can read here.....
Dear Uncle Anzac,
We are in Ruma Ono at Western Heights Kura in Tamaki Makaurau and we have been reading your books during NZ Book Week. Our teacher, Miss Eyre, loves your books because they are sooooo kiwi and use lots of kiwi language and Te Reo. We are 5 & 6 years old and we really enjoy your stories. Miss Eyre has even read them to some senior classes, and they think they are great too!
Here are some of our thoughts to you:
"I like your characters, especially Kapai Kiwi because he's the little one" - Vivian
"Uncle Anzac, I love your books" - Joshua H.
"I like Kapai Kiwi because I like your books" - Megan
"Your books are cool" - Hayley
"I love you. Can you be my friend because if you are naughty to me I will keep saying I love you" - Faith
"I like Kapai the Kiwi from your books because he is funny" - Saqqara
"Uncle Anzac, I love you!" - Diya
"I like your writing. Could you write a book about a kidnapper?" - Felix
"I love your stories. I want to be an author one day too" - Richard.
"I like your books because it was fun" - Oscar
"I like your books. Please do more!" - Cameron
"I think you should do more because I like your books" - Byron
"I liked you and your books and my racing car game" - Ben
"I really like your books and can you make some more?" - Joshua
"I like your books; please make more as well" - Ethan
"I love your books, Uncle Anzac" - Kyle
"I like the volcano book the most" – Kayden
If you have time, we would love to hear back from you, but we know you are quite busy, probably writing more fun stories for us to read. Keep up the great mahi!!
Ruma Ono and Miss Eyre (Jessie)
PS. We wrote you some big cards today, and Miss Eyre will forward them to your publisher to pass on to you.
Ka kite ano!
Enjoy the rest of your NZ Book Week. Let me know what NZ books and authors you really enjoy reading.