We finished learning about probability last week. We can now use the words certain, possible, and impossible in regards to probability. Ask us about a scenario and we can answer it using the proper language. We also have hand actions to help us remember the new terms.
Hayley went home and did some extra learning about probability which she brought in to share with us all.
We have now started to learn about symmetry. Here is our first attempt at drawing symmetry in our math books.
Some of us could even write backwards!! Pretty clever.
This afternoon we also made symmetrical patterns with equipment.
Mackenzie was most impressed with herself for figuring out that a square has symmetrical properties too!
And finally our class ran the junior assembly today. We performed our song "If your clothes" and sang about colours. We sounded like we had an echo in our song, which made a lot of teachers and parents smile! We sung with all our hearts and looked like we were having fun performing to our friends.
We also did a colour transformation show. Miss Eyre painted our hands different colours and when we mixed them together the audience had to guess what colour our hands were now. Talk about magic!
Have a great long weekend, Ruma Ono and whanau, and see you on Tuesday!