Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Last week of term fun!

Miss Taylor taught us how to make butter. Tell your family that you don't need to buy butter anymore because you can make it!

We are also making creative bird stories. The stories are going to be the birds' wings. We will keep you updated on what they look like.

Our butter tasted delicious with bread and hundreds & thousands. Thanks, Miss Taylor!

We sure are crafty!

Monday, April 15, 2013

And half a police officer!

50 days at school

We have made it half way to our 100 Day Party! So we had a mini celebration yesterday where we dressed up in halves. Check out our creativity below...

What a hair do!

The words on my hoodie were cut in half too! What is wrong (or right?!) with my jandals?

Half a fireman.

Half spiderman, half superman!

Half our bodies up and sticking out.

Half pink and half blue!
We had a very fun day being half crazy!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A song and dance

Today we had a chance to dance with ribbons, and to play on the drums - such fun! 

And after an afternoon of skipping too, I think Ruma Ono might be in need of a big sleep tonight and a restful weekend.
PS. On Monday we will have been at school for
50 days which is half way to 100 days
at school. We will be celebrating with a mad Monday, day of halves.
Some fun ideas for Monday:
  • Wear 2 colours only - top half one colour, bottom half a different colour
  • Put gel in half of your hair
  • Dress as 2 different superheros
  • Wear half your hair in a braid, and the other half in a pony tail.
Also remember to bring a dollar for some chips at lunch time.
See you there, for a MAD MONDAY!!!