Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Game time!

Here are some of the games we have been playing which have been building our class community and having fun!

We played a name game with Miss Gordon, who is the student teacher in Room 12 for the first 2 weeks at school, and then she will visit most Tuesdays for the whole day. 

The aim of the game was to say your name when you had the wool, then to throw it to someone else and to say their name too. I think this helped us learn lots of new names. 

It also made a cool spider web! 

Moronai got caught in our web!

We also met our buddy class, Room 25 and their teacher, Miss Leader. They are learning in the library at the moment, so we had lots of room to play a big game with all 52 of us!

Explain to your family how this game worked. You said "I really like someone who....."

And to add to our busy, fun week, we have had our first session of music with Mr McLay. 

He was literally like The Pied Piper, and we danced around to his flute, while also playing other instruments as well. 

What a great start to the year. 

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