Thursday, July 3, 2014

Book Week Character Dress Up

To finish off a fun Book Week we all came dressed as our favourite character from a book. Miss Eyre and Mrs Tipi always get mixed up as each other, so they came as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Suess' Cat in the Hat book.

What other characters can you see? Can you spot Bottomly Pots, covered in spots? How many Spidermen did Room 6 have? 

Miss Hillier and her daughter Tia came in for a surprise visit. It was nice to meet Tia as we have heard all about her. 

And today we farewell our good friend Megan, who is moving over to the North Shore. We will miss you, Megan. Please keep in touch on the blog and let us know how great you are doing at your new school. 

(Miss Eyre doesn't know how to rotate that one sorry, hope your necks ok looking at it!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miss Eyre and Mrs Tipi you do look alike! soo cute!
